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Selasa, 28 Januari 2014

Asslm Wr.Wb

sekarang saya akan membahas tentang CARA HACK GAME SUBWAY SURFER Android

yah, langsung menuju TKP aja.. hahahaha

 step1 :

Download dulu toko utama dari keberhasilan hack ini. disini

Step 2 :

Masuk di MyFiles - Android - data - com.kiloo.surwaysurf - files

Step 3 :

delete data 'playerdata'

Step 4 :

Copy data yang telah di download pada STEP 1, tapi sebelumnya di extract dlu lewat androzip

Step 5 :

Jika sudah, Paste data tersebut ke dalam data com.kiloo.surwaysurf

liat apa yang berbeda.. hahahahahahahahha

thanks ..
silahkan comment bila ada yang belum di mengerti..
+azhar maulandanny 

Minggu, 26 Januari 2014

Apa itu Ask.fm? - ask.fm?  Pernah denger gasih kata kata itu dari teman kalian atau keluarga? iya itu sebuah web yang mungkin lagi ngetrend ngetrendnya sekarang karena memang unik... Mungkin memang web tersebut sudah agak lama.. Nah jadi apa gunanya web tersebut? coba kita lihat dari halaman web nya ask.fm dari halaman tersebut sudah ketahuan kata ask yang berarti bertanya nah jadi web ini dibuat untuk bertanya tentang seseorang tapi fitur disini bisa menggunakan anonym (Tidak ketahuan siapa yang bertanya) dan juga bisa memunculkan namanya
Ask.fm hampir sama dengan web web yang lain yang sedang trend saat ini mreka menggunakan sistem follow mem-follow tapi follow disini jauh beda.. karena memang tidak terlalu penting... bahkan orang yang follow kita saja tidak kita ketahui, kita hanya bisa melihat orang yang kita follow sebagai teman..
Cara membuat ask.fm:

1. silahkan pergi ke web http://ask.fm/
2. Nah di sisi tengah ada tulisan di dalam kotak "JOIN NOW!" Klik
3. Nah pada tab selanjutnya kita diarahkan ke formulir pengisian data.. Silaahkan isi semua yang dibutuhkan.. Eitt tapi coba lihat sebelah kiri.. ada pilihan Sign up with Facebook, Sign up with twitter...
jika anda punya akun jejaring sosial tersebut anda bisa membuat akun dengan mengklik salah satunya.. (Misalkan kita memilih Sign up wih twitter)
4. Login Dengan twitter kamu, dan nanti akan keluar persetujuan aplikasi lalu klik Authorize App
5. kita akan kembali ke menu seperti di nomor 3 isikan semua formulirnya
6. Selesai anda bisa menggunakan akun tersebut sekarang
Cara Memakai/Memainkan Ask.fm

Nah ini emang web yang seru jadi bisa bertanya ke teman pacar atau apasaja tanpa mereka tahu kalau kita yang menanyakan.. 
  • Cara Bertanya

1. Masuk/Login dengan akun anda...
2. Cari orang yang akan anda tanya atau teman anda
3. Akan tersedia kotak untuk bertanya disitu... isikan saja pertanyaan anda
4. Nah jika anda ingin orang yang anda tanya tidak mengetahui anda, anda bisa mencentang ask anonymously. begitupula sebaliknya.
5. Klik Ask
  • Cara Menjawab
Ketika ada teman anda yang menanyakan sesuatu kepada anda maka notikasi question akan memberitahukannya bila ada pertanyaan yang masuk..
1. Klik Menu question di bagian atas 
2. Pilih pertanyaan yang akan anda jawab
3. Klik Answer
4. Silahkan isikan jawaban anda di kotak yang tersedia... Dan Ya anda pasti tahu apa yang harus dilakukan 
5. Selesaii hanya itu saja kok


Selasa, 21 Januari 2014

Just My Tumb

Baru Kenal Tumblr
TumblrTumblr, sebuah nama yang mudah dibaca, diingat tapi sulit untuk dieja. Dari sinilah sebuah situs web bernama Tumblr dilahirkan. Apapun yang ada dipikiran para pembuat situs ini saya tidak tahu, kenapa memilih kenamaan situs mereka dengan Tumblr.
Apa sih Tumblr ? Sepertinya situs ini merupakan muka baru di internet, banyak orang atau masyarakat yang sering berinternet tidak banyak mengetahui Tumblr, apalagi kegunaan situs ini. Dan walaupun saya juga baru mengenal situs ini dari teman saya yang ada di Facebook, saya pun juga tidak dapat memberikan sesuatu tulisan yang lebih untuk mereview situs ini.
Di situsnya yang beralamat di www.tumblr.com, tepatnya di halaman “about us” situs tersebut, Tumblr mencantumkan bahwa situs ini ternyata mempunyai kegunaan untuk memudahkan para pemilik akun atau pengguna Tumblr untuk berbagi (sharing) mengenai apapun di sini.
Seperti yang saya tuliskan ini, juga merupakan kemampuan Tumblr yaitu untuk melakukan blogging dengan memposting apapun baik teks, gambar, maupun musik. Di fasilitas blog nya, seperti biasa Anda dapat melakukan penggantian (costumize) tema sesuai keinginan Anda.
Bila Anda sering ber-Tweet ria, maka Anda bisa melakukannya lewat Tumblr ini. Tinggal membuat akun Tumblr lalu masukkan username Twitter Anda di bagian Preference maka apapun yang Anda tuliskan di bagian Share Tumblr juga akan tertulis di home page Twitter Anda.
Karna baru mengenal Tumblr, maka saya hanya bisa memposting tulisan sebisanya seperti di atas. Dan apakah Tumblr, situs yang sepertinya juga menyangkut tema jejaring sosial ini akan sepopuler situs-situs lainnya ? Kita tinggal menunggu waktu. Terima kasih.

Berbagi Foto di Flickr

Sebagai salah satu situs layanan photo sharing atau berbagi foto yang cukup populer, Flickr telah dimanfaatkan oleh jutaan pengguna internet. Dengan Flickr Anda tidak hanya bisa mengupload foto dan mengelompokkannya dalam kategori tertentu, tetapi Anda juga bisa memperlihatkan dan berbagi foto-foto Anda kepada orang lain. Sejak dibelinya Flickr oleh Yahoo di tahun 2008, Anda juga bisa mengintegrasikan Flickr dengan layanan Yahoo lainnya.
Ingin bergabung bersama jutaan pengguna Flickr? Berikut langkah-langkah cara membuat akun di Flickr..

Langkah 1

Buka situs http://www.flickr.com dari browser Anda.
Klik Create Your Account.

Langkah 2

Kini Anda berada pada halaman yang mengingatkan Anda akan halaman muka Yahoo Mail.
Jika Anda telah memiliki akun Yahoo, masukkan Yahoo ID dan Password Anda lalu klik Sign In. Sedangkan untuk Anda yang belum memiliki akun Yahoo, klik tulisan Sign Up dan lakukan langkah – langkah seperti yang ada di artikel Membuat Akun di Yahoo! Mail.

Langkah 3

Tulis nama yang ingin Anda tampilkan pada akun Flickr lalu klik Create A New Account.
Apabila nama yang Anda pilih sudah dimiliki oleh pengguna Flickr lain, Anda harus menggantinya. Pilihlah salah satu nama yang ditawarkan Flickr atau tulis alternatif nama lainnya. Kemudian klik Create A New Account kembali.

Langkah 4

Kini Anda berada pada halaman utama akun Flickr Anda.
Pada kotak Here’s How To Get Started Anda diberi 3 pilihan :
  • Personalize your profile, mengatur profil Anda di Flickr.
  • Upload your first photo, mulsi mrng-upload foto.
  • Find your friends in Flickr, menemukan teman-teman yang telah memiliki akun Flickr.
  • Langkah 5

    Pada menu Personalize your profile, Anda akan ditawarkan untuk melakukan langkah-langkah dasar pengaturan profil Flickr Anda. Klik tulisan Let’s Do It!

    a.Create your buddy account

    Buat ikon Anda dengan meng-upload gambar dari komputer Anda.

    b.Choose your custom Flickr URL

    Tentukanlah nama URL akun FLickr Anda untuk mempermudah teman-teman melihat akun Flickr Anda.

    c.Personalize your profile

    Lengkapi profil Anda dengan nama lengkap dan deskripsi diri. Selanjutnya dengan mengklik tombol Next, Anda akan kembali ke halaman utama akun Flicr Anda.

    Langkah 6

    Untuk mulai mengupload foto, klik menu Upload your first photo.
    Klik tulisan Choose photos and videos, dan pilihlah file foto yang ingin Anda tampilkan.

    Langkah 7

    Temukan akun Flickr teman – teman Anda dengan mengklik menu Find your friends in Flickr.
    Klik tombol Go, untuk membuka alamat email teman-teman yang Anda simpan di Yahoo! Mail Anda. Jika ingin mengecek Adress Book di GMail atau Hotmail, klik logonya yang ada di bagian kiri. Atau Anda juga bisa mencari akun Flickr teman Anda dengan cara menuliskan namanya di kolom pencarian.
    Sekarang akun Flickr Anda sudah siap digunakan dan Anda bisa meng-upload foto-foto yang Anda miliki untuk diperlihatkan kepada teman – teman Anda. Selamat berbagi foto!!


    We Heart it Aplikasi Social Photo Sharing Gambar-Gambar Inspiratif

    Inspirasi bisa datang dari mana-mana, bisa dengan mendengarkan musik, bengong di kamar mandi, di lampu merah atau dimanapun yang kadang ditempat yang tak terduga. Tapi mungkin ispirasi juga bisa dipancing lho, salah satunya dengan aplikasi Android ini. Aplikasi yang memberikan kamu semua gambar-gambar elok nan inspiratif bernama aplikasi We Heart it.
    Pada intinya sih aplikasi ini semacam photo sharing. Cara menggunakan dan tampilan juga mirip sama yang ada di kebanyakan social media, ada timeline dari orang yang kamu ikuti, kemudian interaksi yang bisa kamu bangun. Jika kamu suka kamu bisa gunain tombol “i heart it” dan tentu saja komentar.
    Dari segi konten aplikasi ini cukup menjanjikan, hampir semua yang gambar yang ada disini memiliki kualitas yang bagus. Baik dari segi kualitas grafik maupun isi dan maksud dari gambar-gambar tersebut.
    Berikut adalah fitur-fitur yang ada di we heart it:
    • Konten-konten berkualitas tinggi dari beberapa kategori seperti artistik, vintage, b&w dan lain-lain
    • Mencari konten sesuai dengan apa yang kamu mau dengan fitur search.
    • Menyimpan ke dalam gallery foto-foto yang kamu sukai
    • Sharing dengan teman-teman kamu di facebook, twitter ataupun tumblr
    • Mengelompokkan semua gambar kedalam grup sesuai keinginan kamu misalkan grup tempat wisata, pakaian dan sebagainya.
    • Bergabung dengan komunitas yang besar dari seluruh dunia.
    • Kamu juga bisa berbagi gambar dari situs-situs favorit kamu, seperti halnya di pinterest
    Aplikasi ini juga dikemas dengan rapi dan menarik. Dengan desain yang simple dan ada sedikit nuansa fancy. Sesuai lah dengan konten yang ditawarkan.
    Mungkin service seperti ini udah banyak banget ya saat ini, khususnya di Android. Dan banyak pula yang lebih besar. Tapi menurutku aplikasi ini punya daya tarik tersendiri, khususnya dari segi kualitas konten.

    Hari ini adalah hari Rabu aku nyantai!!! mmm karena akunyantai! aku mau ngasih tutorial ke kalian nih, kali ini nama tutorialnya Cara Menambahkan Ask Me ke Dalam Blog, tau Ask Me gak? coba kalian buka Blog aku, lihat di Sidebar kiri bawah, ada kan tulisannya "Ask Me Something" nah... itu... kalian mau gak ditambahin gitu di Blog? OK Langsung aja yuk!!!. (Ikuti Step).

    1. Buka Situs Ini ==> ask.fm

    2. Jika sudah pernah mendaftar... langsung aja Sign Up, kalau belum Klik "Pendaftaran"

    3. Isi data diri kalian, jika sudah klik selesai.

    4. Kalian isi saja dulu, klik Selesai.

    5. Itu lewati, lalu Klik Pengaturan.

    6. Klik WIdget.

    7. Atur sendiri warna latar & warna Text-nya. lalu copy linknya.

    8. Buka Blogger ==> Tata Letak.

    10. Tambah Gadget.

    11. HTML/Javascript.

    12. Paste code tadi ==> Simpan.

    14. Simpan perubahan.

    Selamat mencoba! Semoga berhasil ^^


    Minggu, 08 September 2013

    17 Ways to Be More Realistic

    One of the traits I referred to and read about recently in “The Good Among the Great” was realistic.  Being realistic however, is not always that easy.  There are many things that get in the way of being realistic and hopefully these can help you avoid them and to be more realistic.  Be no means are any of these intended to cause complacency or to stop dreaming, they are more a matter of being realistic to help enable more things in life and easier connections and relationships.  I have always been one to encourage everyone to step out on the skinny branches of life to be adventurous,to have fun and to push the limits of what others like to think possible.  Doing those things and buying cheap cell phones while being realistic is certainly possible and here are some ways I think you can do to learn this!

    Imagination That is Never Acted On

    The imagination is a wonderful thing and can let a person dream, create a hope or idea that is otherwise impossible.  It lets you be creative and it lets you explore life in your mind before you suffer any consequences.  However, using your imagination too often and coming across as a dreamer, you can create a reputation of someone who is too “out there” or dreamy without a down to earth approach.  If you act on your imagination and put some of the dreams you share into reality by doing them and living them, you can not only enjoy the things you imagine but others will believe what you imagine is inf act possible.  So, act on your dreams and make your imagination something you and others will see as reality!

    Recognize Needs over Wants

    The materialistic disposable world constantly sends us a message of how we are inadequate and need to have so much more.  Seeing past this to separate the things you actually need in life from all the distractions and status objects will help you to be a lot more realistic with your lifestyle.  Change your perspective to the money you need to earn from the amount you want to earn and suddenly everything becomes a lot easier.  You do make enough, you do have enough and no, you don’t need to have that upgrade, the latest device, that new sports car using Wipe New or that 12 room house for you and your spouse.  If you put attention to your needs and needs of others, suddenly there is an immediate realism where the extras do not get in the way to complicate things.

    Control Your Extreme Opinions and Thinking

    I know from my work that I am regularly faced with evaluating and judging solutions for a problem with software engineering problems.  For me, it is easy to be skeptical of systems and people and I used to express these opinions far too quickly.  Combining that with any amount of exaggeration and you have an extreme opinion that doesn’t typically sit well with others and they think you are being extreme, not realistic.  Its quite easy for other people to be the complete opposite where they are so optimistic that they fail to see some of the obvious risks, again being far from realistic.  It helps to control these extreme opinions and thoughts to present each side when appropriate but not to bombard people with one side of that scale.

    Share Your Action Plan

    Sometimes a goal may seem unrealistic to others and an easy way to change this is to show them an action plan that gives some evidence that the plan is not only well thought out, but realistic considering some work and effort has gone into putting it into action (see the example of proparksf.com).

    Give Things Time

    Most people want to rush everything, have everything right now and to be successful immediately in everything they do.  Perhaps its fortunate, although most don’t see it this way, that things do in fact take time to happen or to learn.  The journey of life teaches us that nearly everything takes time, yet people are more and more demanding and unreasonable when it comes to waiting or developing something over time.  Whether this is a kid asking for some new toy, a new graduate or worker expecting the CEO title to come simply by asking, or salary and jobs to come simply be a desire for them.  The fortunate part I mentioned is that those who realize things take time, they can have the patience and dedication required to get those things others simply demand.

    Make Fair Judgments and Considerations

    Decisions we make and the how we express our thoughts of others quickly affects what others think of us.  Especially when it comes to being realistic and reasonable.  If we are careful and fair in the judgments we have and mindful in what we consider, we will be considered a lot more realistic than if we make quick or rash decisions without any deliberate consideration.

    Pause and Think Before Reacting

    Not only the way we think and make decisions affect how realistic but we, but even more so, how we react to situations.  Being realistic requires not blowing up in anger, reacting childish when things don’t go your way or reacting emotionally that would be considered over reacting.  If we can stop and think about our reactions before expressing them, we can eliminate a lot of dangerous things that might otherwise be said or done.  This will result in giving some time to think about a response being having it, which will then be much more realistic than a reaction not yet thought about.

    Put Yourself in Someone Else’s Shoes

    You have heard this saying a thousand times and it couldn’t be more true when it comes to being realistic when dealing with other people.  Whether its a close relationship, on the job or a political decision, often putting yourself in someone else’s shoes is enough to get you thinking about more than one perspective, and it helps you be realistic.

    Be Humble in Your Approach

    Humility comes after many other good traits and being humble in your own behaviors helps to ensure you do not put your own perspectives and worth above that of others.  It is to ensure you see yourself and others equally and this can make many situations and decisions much more reasonable.  Knowing you are enough as you are, and that others are equally important can help you consider everyone in discussions, in decisions and in life.  Being humble is a great way to be more realistic as well.

    Use Active Listening

    Similar to many other items in this list, short sighted views are often what lead us away from realism and towards fantasy.  If you are willing to listen to others, and really stop to actively listen, there are always things to learn from others to help us be more realistic.  Whether it is a best friend sharing a concern about an idea, or a family member pointing out some way they were hurt by you, if you stop to listen, you can get off your own path and put others first.  Even a fantastic idea that you might have will have a number of things to consider once you actively listen to others upon sharing the idea, and it can shed some new light or risks on the plan that you could easily of overlooked yourself.  These additional perspectives are especially useful in work decisions and listening to others and getting some collaboration to help can make you be more realistic.

    Ask More Questions

    Assumptions are what lead us all to jump in early, take on more than we can chew, think ourselves to be more capable than we are and generally get us into trouble for unseen risks.  All this can be avoided by asking more questions.  Whether this is for a project in your work, a home renovation, a new relationship or commitment in one, or simply an everyday decision, asking more questions before jumping in can help avoid all these pains and to discover something that would otherwise surprise us.

    Dream, But Dream With Intention

    Similar to the imagination above, dreams let us hope for something greater or something we desire.  Dreams are great but they are not enough if there is no intention of fulfilling them so you must put some intention into that which you dream about in order to make those dreams more realistic.  If you are moving towards a dream, it gets more and more realistic, so be intentional with what you dream about!

    Do What You Say You Will Do

    People who are realistic are often considered very trustworthy. One way to be very trustworthy is to consistently stick to your promises and do what you say you will do.  From returning phone calls when you say you will, to being on time when you make a commitment, to holding true to a life long spousal promise, doing what you say you will do can be almost at any size, but will built trust and leave people knowing that you are realistic with what you tell them, since you can be trusted.

    Ask For Help

    Most people like to think they can accomplish everything on their own and that they don’t need help and yet they often can see when someone else is struggling and not asking for help?  Its strange that we let this ego block us from simply stopping and asking for help.  When you do though, especially when everyone can see it already, you admit the need and asking for help makes you seem believable and realistic to see that yourself.  When you put on a facade that you can do it all yourself, you destroy that perception others have and your own truth of being able to handle it on your own.  Usually this leaves some casualties or negative consequences you never intended.

    Be Authentic

    One of my favorite subjects is authenticity.  It applies here in being realistic because others can easily detect a change in behavior or personality, even when we can’t see it ourselves.  Sometimes we act differently in each circle of our life and that gets exposed by people who cross those circles.  That can destroy our authenticity and we cannot be believed as a realistic person if we are not consistent.  Being real requires that we are consistent all the time and so being authentic about ourselves and our true selves, if crucial to be more realistic in life.

    Expose Some Emotion

    Everyone has their slip ups, bad days, loss of control and the odd ‘Monday’ that gets the best of them.  Its OK to let out some emotion from time to time and show that we are excited, hurt, upset, joyful, anxious or nervous about something.  These expressions show variety and the ups and downs of life.  If we are always controlled, balanced, non-reactive and seemingly ‘stone faced’ to events around us, its hard to understand that this kind of person is even aware of everything going on.  Some reaction is often better than no reaction at least in extreme circumstances and without it, we can seem distant or disconnected from reality.  Its OK to be expressive at times and just let out some emotion.

    Admit Your Mistakes or Failures

    And finally, one final way to be more realistic is to not protect your blunders, your mistake and failures.  If you only ever expose your best side and hide the messy journey it took to get their, people can have a very hard time relating to your story and in some cases, your success.  Be quick to admit your mistakes, sharing how they happened and how you learned from them.  Don’t be afraid of failures, just use them to your benefit and to benefit others by avoiding the same.  All your accomplishments and your character will be much more realistic when you are willing to admit your mistakes.